How to save money in Warsaw
Warsaw isn’t expensive city but you still can save some money by following my tips.
The best 7 ways to save money in Warsaw.
1. Get a ticket for Warsaw transportation ZTM
Possibly the best way to save money in Warsaw is by buying Weekend ticket (24zł) or One-day ticket (15zł) vaild for 24 hours Warsaw transportation.
Ztm website
2. Cycle in Warsaw
You can rent a public bike from Veturilo. First hour cost only 1 zł.
Veturilo website
3. Listen to Frederic Chopin music
The concerts take place at the Chopin Monument from mid-May to late September.
Every Sunday at 12.00 and 4:00 pm.
Chopin concerts in Warsaw
4. Free Attractions
Almost everyday you can visit at least on musuem in Warsaw for free.
List musuems here:
Museums for free in Warsaw
Visit rooftop of Warsaw University Library and Copernicus Center
Link to rooftops is here
5. Milk bars
Located is the middle of town milk bar Bambino
and bar Familijny offers tasty food for small money.
Tomato soup cost 3,5 zł (less than 1 euro).
List of Milk Bars
6. Cheap Eats
Plenty of places offer reasonable lunch-time menus during weekdays.
Price for 2 courses meal is 20 zł (5 euro).
Give yourself a little luxury and go to sophisticated restaurant.
Set lunch cost less than 10 euro per person.
My tips: Kafe Zielony Niedźwiedż, Stara Kamienica or Polska Różana.
List of Restaurants with lunch-time menus here
7. Free Walking Tours
Everyday Free Walking Tours offer a few free guided tours.
Meeting point: Sigismunt’s Column.
My tip: go for Jewish Ghetto walk.
MAP below
Top 7 Money Saving Tips For Visiting Warsaw
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