Chopin Concerts in Warsaw 2020

Chopin Concerts in Warsaw 2020

For the first time of Warsaw they met at the Concert of Chopin in the year 1959., Shortly after the reconstruction of the monument to the composer. Initially, live season was starting to perform one of the concerts Chopin orchestra. In the 70s in the evenings we organized additional concerts with music by contemporary composers Chopin. Even in the 80s concert later (if at. 17.00) took the form of verbal-musical, with well-known Warsaw actors reciting romantic poetry.

This year’s season 61. Concerts will be inaugurated on May 17. From that date onwards, every Sunday at 12.00 and 16.00, we will enjoy together senses the composer’s music in the beautiful spaces of the Royal Baths Museum

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The 61st season of Chopin Concerts in the Royal soon

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