Muzyka w Pracowni: Sophie Hutchings

Zapraszamy Was na kolejne spotkanie w ramach cyklu Muzyka w Pracowni – koncertów połączonych z jam session w magicznej przestrzeni fińskiego, drewnianego domku przy ul. Jazdów 3/6 będącego od 2016 roku pracownią dla kreatywnych.

Już 22 września 2018 roku w Otwartej Pracowni wystąpi australijska pianistka Sophie Hutchings.

Adres: ul. Jazdów 3/6


Australian Pianist and Composer Sophie Hutchings’ love affair with the piano began in a rather concealed manner. As a child she would secret herself away with only the family piano for company — quietly developing her ruminative, unique style which would later become her trademark. Although initially reserved about her music and the notion of live performance, it wasn’t until her debut album ‘Becalmed’ was released that Sophie was nudged into the public arena.

Sophie’s compositions sway from the disarmingly spare and elegant to the romantic and epic, with a fragility that manages to be both calm and exquisite but always pushing forward.
Her beautiful studio work transfers effortlessly into her renowned live performances, with audiences channelling an emotive awareness that yields to a silent consciousness.

‘Writing instrumental music is a way of me expressing something that resonates deep within without having to form words’ says Sophie. ‘That’s the beauty of instrumental music, it’s felt not spoken, and sometimes the things we feel can’t always be put into words and I think music replacing that can be something special on its own…I like the listener to be able to feel something resonate deep within without necessarily having to explain it.’
Nominated for the Australian Music Prize and listed in the top five live instrumentalists of the year for the National Live Music Awards, Sophie Hutchings’ music has been described as ‘stirring, vigorous,[and] grandly melodic,’(MOJO Magazine) her rippling piano has an ‘intimate, contemplative quality,’(The Guardian). Other media outlets have described Sophie’s music as ‘frankly amazing,’ ‘unabashedly sincere’ and ‘always with a genuine sense of beauty.’

Hutchings has become an esteemed and celebrated composer with commissions for film as well as performances outside of her native Australia in Japan and throughout Europe. She has also opened for artists such as Olafur Arnalds, Federico Albanese, Lambert and others. With her streaming audience stealthily growing and her work gaining attention at a rapid pace, she is finding new fans on new shores. Her popularity continues to grow with well-received coverage over many continents, allowing Sophie to reach further with her music than ever before.

Granie zaczynamy o 20.15, a do domku zapraszamy Was już od 19.00.
Sugerowana darowizna na organizację wydarzenia oraz utrzymanie i konserwację domku: 20 zł
…ale od tych co przybędą ze swoimi instrumentami nie będziemy przyjmować więcej niż 10 zł!

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Domek fiński 3/6 jest wykorzystywany na cele kulturalno-społeczne dzięki udostępnieniu przez Dzielnicę Śródmieście Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy.
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