How to get from Tel Aviv Airport to Jerusalem: BUS 485

How to get from Tel Aviv Airport to Jerusalem.

The cheapest way to get from Ben Gurion Airport to Jerusalem Central Bus Station is by bus 485. The bus stop is on the 2nd floor of the Terminal 3. The bus 485 stops also at Terminal 1.

After crossing the border control, turn left and take moving stairway to the second floor. Exit the airport and on the right you will see bus stop 485.

The bus departs at full hour and operates for 24 hours.

Ticket costs 16 shekels. You can get it from driver on the bus (cash only).

To get to Jerusalem it takes  around 1 hour.

If you want to get off at the Central Bus Stop alight at Jerusalem – Sderot Shazar ICC Jerusalem (bus stop nr 6 on the time table).

From Jerusalem to Tel Aviv Aiport:

The bus stop for bus 485 is loacted very close to the Cental Bus Station, bus leaves 5 minutes after each hour.

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