Friend of a Friend. Opening weekend

W dniach 7-8 kwietnia 2018 roku w Warszawie odbędzie się pierwsza edycja projektu „Friend of a Friend” (FOAF). Osiem warszawskich galerii promujących sztukę współczesną udostępni swoją przestrzeń wystawienniczą swoim partnerom z Berlina, Kolonii, Düsseldorfu, Frankfurtu, Hagi, Londynu, Los Angeles, Meksyku, Nowego Jorku, Paryża, Pragi, Wiednia i Zurychu. 


BWA Warszawa / Antoine Levi (Paris), Hunt Kastner (Prague) 
Foksal Gallery Foundation / ChertLüdde (Berlin), Jan Kaps (Cologne) 
LETO / Dürst Britt & Mayhew (The Hague) 
Piktogram / Future (Berlin/Mexico City), Lomex (NYC), SVIT (Prague) 
Dawid Radziszewski / Lucas Hirsch (Düsseldorf) 
Raster / Bernhard (Zürich), Ermes-Ermes (Vienna)
Stereo / Crèvecœur (Paris), Reserve Ames (LA)
Wschód / Neue Alte Brücke (Frankfurt), Union Pacific (London) 

Otwarcie: 7– 8 kwietnia 2018 roku. 

Wystawy potrwają do 28 kwietnia 2018

Więcej informacji na:

“Friend of a Friend” (FOAF) project sees eight important and thriving Warsaw contemporary art galleries sharing their exhibition spaces with international guests. A dialogue with galleries from the Czech Republic, France, Germany, United States, Switzerland and Great Britain lies at the foundation of group shows featuring Polish and international artists. 

The idea of “FOAF” refers to London’s “Condo” initiative held since 2016. Based on the principle of friendly collaboration (and not competition, often associated with the art market), the event not only succeeds in establishing an innovative platform to present contemporary art, but also an exchange model that provides an alternative to art fairs. By bringing this model to Warsaw, “FOAF” offers the local audience the possibility to view works created by international artists (often unexhibited in Poland so far) and compare their achievements with works by their Polish colleagues. In turn, foreign guests (gallerists, artists, as well as collectors, curators and journalists) are given an opportunity to discover the Warsaw art scene. 


BWA Warszawa h/ Antoine Levi (Paris), Hunt Kastner (Prague) 
Foksal Gallery Foundation h/ ChertLüdde (Berlin), Jan Kaps (Cologne) 
LETO h/ Dürst Britt & Mayhew (The Hague) 
Piktogram h/ Future (Berlin/Mexico City), Lomex (NYC), SVIT (Prague) 
Dawid Radziszewski h/ Lucas Hirsch (Düsseldorf) 
Raster h/ Bernhard (Zürich), Ermes-Ermes (Vienna)
Stereo h/ Crèvecœur (Paris), Reserve Ames (LA)
Wschód h/ Neue Alte Brücke (Frankfurt), Union Pacific (London) 

Founders: Stereo, Wschód 
Organiser: Adam Mickiewicz Institute 
Partner: Culture Department of the City of Warsaw

Friend of a Friend. Opening weekend.

opening: 7-8.04.2018 / 12.00 – 19.00 
The shows run until April 28.

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